Kazakhstan is a vast, landlocked, transcontinental country spanning Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Bordered by China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, it covers an area of 2,724,900 square kilometers, making it the 9th largest country in the world. Its diverse terrain stretches from the Caspian Sea in the west to the Altay Mountains in the east, and from the Western Siberian plains in the north to the deserts of Central Asia in the south. Despite its size, Kazakhstan has a population of only 18.9 million people, giving it one of the lowest population densities globally.
Historically, the territory of Kazakhstan has been home to nomadic tribes and has seen control by various empires, including Turkic nomads, the Mongol Empire, and the Russian Empire. Kazakhstan declared its independence in 1991, and since 1997, its capital has been Astana.
Kazakhstan’s expansive landscapes are filled with natural beauty—majestic lakes, towering mountains, winding rivers, deep canyons, and vast steppes. The country is also rich in natural resources, with an abundance of minerals and fossil fuels. Kazakhs are known for their hospitality, welcoming people from all backgrounds. The nation's unique culture is reflected in its traditional cuisine, vibrant customs, and long-standing traditions.
Kazakhstan is a multiethnic and bilingual country. While Kazakhs make up the majority, many other ethnic groups call the country home, including Russians, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Germans, Tatars, Uyghurs, and Koreans. Kazakh is the official language, but Russian serves as a widely spoken second language, used in everyday communication and business.
The education system in Kazakhstan is committed to cultivating the next generation of leaders, with several specialized schools playing a key role. Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS), a network for gifted students, is among the most prestigious institutions, promoting academic excellence and research-driven learning. However, there are also other specialized schools, such as Republican Physics and Mathematics Schools (RPMS) and others, which focus on developing talented students in areas like science, technology, and international studies. This growing community contributes to the rich cultural and academic fabric of PNU, fostering collaboration and strengthening ties between Kazakhstan and South Korea.
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Пусан Ұлттық Университетіндегі қазақстандық қауымдастықтың ресми сайтына қош келдіңіздер! Бұл сайтта сіздер қауымдастықтың жаңалықтары, іс-шаралары және пайдалы ақпараттарымен танысып, біздің белсенді топпен байланыс орната аласыздар. Біз студенттерді қолдап, олардың өміріне жаңа тәжірибелер мен достық қарым-қатынастар әкелу үшін жұмыс істейміз. Қауымдастығымыздың бір бөлігі болуға асығыңыз және бізбен бірге жарқын болашаққа қадам басыңыз!
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